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How to work With
EasyBusy as a customer

Find your perfect Freelancer

Use EasyBusy for finding freelancers tailored to your tasks. With a multitude of freelance professionals across various fields, we streamline the entire task process on our platform, allowing you to fulfill your needs conveniently
Go to the Freelance marketplace and authorise as a customer
Enter your name and surname, contact email and create a password or simply log in using your Google account. Please note that the name and surname you provide should match those of the payer
Confirm your email
by following the link sent to the specified address
To place a new task click the Create new task button
in My tasks or Freelancer s board section Fill in all necessary details about the task to proceed
The created task appears in your list
in My tasks section. Open up a task card to edit or archieve it

You can also see the freelancer board section
You can search for a specific freelancer, their skills or experience
You can open a freelancer s card to view their portfolio and reviews by clicking on it
You can offer a freelancer to work on your project by clicking the "Invite to join a task" button. You will have an opportunity to create a task for a specific freelancer or to add them to the existing one.
Once the freelancer is invited
You can discuss all the details about the task and proceed to the payment by clicking the Pay button
The payment window pops up for you to charge the balance
The freelancer will not receive the payment untill the final results are approved by you It takes several seconds for the service to generate your invoice

If the task value is 1000 EUR/USD or less, you will only have a Stripe payment link option. After clicking the Continue button, you will be addressed to the Stripe payment window to proceed

If the value is over 1000 EUR/USD, then you will be able to pay either via Stripe or Bank Transfer. If the bank transfer option is chosen, select the most convinient way to send the funds and click Continue to see the account details for your transaction
You will be forwarded to the next step once the payment is received by EasyStart
If the freelancer accepts the task, you will receive a notification and the task will dissappear from the list of publications. If not, you will be able to continue the conversation or rehire the freelancer. Alternatively, you may choose to start working with a more suitable freelancer
Once the project is completed, you will have to check the results
You may accept it and the sum would be released to the freelancer. If not, you will be able to send it back for revision and comment on the received data
Once the project is completed, you will have to check the results
You may accept it and the sum would be released to the freelancer If not, you will be able to send it back for revision and comment on the received data