Zoomers At Work: Hiring and Working With Them

Workers from different generations have differing views on life, ways of earning a living, and their approaches to their professions are not the same. What is acceptable for young professionals may be unacceptable for older generations. Each generation experiences a unique period with specific political and economic structures, along with varying opportunities and limitations. Today, to attract capable and effective employees, hiring young specialists must take into account the characteristics of Zoomers.

Where to Find and How to Hire

Digitalization and the development of IT have led to recruitment moving entirely online. Young candidates do not search for jobs in newspapers or on TV; instead, they explore job offers and post resumes on job boards, freelance marketplaces, Telegram channels, and social media. Consequently, employers and recruiters should focus their attention on these channels and not be skeptical about posting jobs on Linkedin, Facebook and even Instagram.

Recruitment process will depend on your requirements for the work format. If you need a freelancer, there is no need to sign an employment contract or spend time on a probationary period. You can find one, for example, on the freelance platform EasyBusy. Young professionals and employers choose it for its intuitive interface and convenient functionality. The platform helps its users:
  • Search for clients or performers from any field;
  • Reach out to them online in a chat;
  • Send and receive payments;
  • Prepare closing documents.

Zoomer Behavior and Preferences

Managing younger talent should be rooted in their expectations from the job and the company. Sociological research indicates that when seeking employment, four main aspects are important for the demographic: economic stability, independence, psychological well-being, and working conditions.

Economic Stability

A characteristic feature of the modern generation is reliance solely on themselves and their abilities. To ensure a stable income and feel economically secure, they are willing to learn new skills and gain experience in their field. The most attractive employer for them will be one that is willing to provide additional bonuses, benefits, and incentives for the extra mile Zoomers go at work.

Another aspect of working with young specialists is the high likelihood of them leaving to start their own business. It is quite possible that after gaining knowledge and experience in your organization, the need for increased income will prompt the employee to create their own competing company, especially in business sectors that do not require significant startup investments.


Zoomers are often proactive and try to solve all questions, tasks, and problems on their own. They are reluctant to seek help from colleagues or mentors, doing so only in extreme situations. For employers, this means that when hiring, more attention should be paid to training in business processes, providing greater freedom, allowing initiative, and taking responsibility for results. This way, you can expect maximum productivity from entry-level employees.

Psychological Well-Being

Working in a multitasking mode is another characteristic feature of Zoomers. They are willing to take on multiple projects simultaneously. At the same time, they may infringe on personal boundaries by making calls or sending messages outside of working hours. Without effective time management, this mode can gradually become overwhelming, negatively impacting mental health and leading to professional burnout.

Employers can help young professionals maintain their energy and interest in their work through psychological support programs. It is essential to provide sick leave and vacations for the restoration of mental health based on medical indications. Additionally, it is important to convey to staff the significance of maintaining a balance between work and personal life for sustaining normal psychological well-being.

Work Conditions

This aspect is one of the most crucial when working with young talent. Comfortable working conditions can enhance their productivity and efficiency, which will benefit any business.

Surveys show that specialists hired for full-time positions prefer open spaces (open offices) or coworking environments over traditional offices. If you are hiring a candidate for a full-time position, make sure they have a modern workspace that is pleasant to be in throughout the day. Additionally, it is advisable to provide a quiet and calm space for employees to relax.

The remote work format remains popular, as it allows freelancers to organize their work as they see fit. When collaborating with a remote worker, in addition to discussing work tasks, it is important to establish project deadlines, communication channels, and schedules for online meetings.


In reality, making the work experience comfortable for young specialists does not require significant effort. The key is to clearly communicate to candidates what you expect from them and to understand what they are looking for in return.