How To Hire The Right HR Manager

Hiring an HR specialist is a tremendous task, as it directly impacts the qualifications of the personnel working in the company and its overall success. Without an HR department, it is impossible to assemble a strong team that will drive the business forward.

Sometimes, to find HR professionals competent for your job, one has to review hundreds of applications. There are also situations where a position is filled, the hiring system is established, but the HR strategy has changed, necessitating the search for another specialist. Circumstances may vary, but the responsibilities of recruitment staff remain the same.

Scope of HR Professionals

  • Recruitment. Finding candidates for vacant positions using all available methods, screening irrelevant applicants, and conducting interviews.
  • Onboarding new employees. HR professionals oversee newcomers to help them integrate into the work process and the team as quickly as possible, enabling them to contribute to the company.
  • Employee Training. Each employee must be a competent specialist, which requires regular training and opportunities for professional development. It’s an HR’s job to provide opportunities and encourage professional development in the company.
  • HR Strategy Development and Management. It is essential to consider the nuances of the business and to be able to find, attract, and retain talented performers from various fields.
  • Formation of New Positions. It is necessary to thoroughly develop job responsibilities, working conditions, candidate requirements, plans, KPIs, salary levels, etc.
  • Creating a Favorable Microclimate in the Team. Everyone currently working or planning to join the company should be engaged in their work and feel comfortable in their roles.
  • Personnel Record Keeping. The HR profession entails maintaining documentation for all personnel and providing data to government institutions.
  • Improving Company Productivity. This includes conducting personnel assessments, improving business processes and working conditions, and consulting management in HR matters.
HR specialists carry a significant and important workload, which greatly influences the success of the business. But how can one effectively recruit HR specialists to acquire a competent employee?

How to Build A Powerful HR Department

  1. Define Business Goals and Objectives. Based on both short-term and long-term perspectives, create a work plan for the HR specialist (how many and what type of employees to hire, develop an adaptation and motivation system, organize training, etc.).
  2. Outline Your Ideal HR Specialist's Characteristics. Write down the necessary skills, experience, and achievements that a candidate should possess and the requirements they are expected to meet.
  3. Use All Available Search Options. Today, HR personnel can be hired through job boards, specialized online resources, social networks, Telegram channels, and freelance marketplaces. The latter, for example, provide very convenient functionality. For instance, the EasyBusy platform lets you hire HR specialists from any country, transferring payments to them, and generating reports.
  4. Screen Candidates. Prepare 8-10 questions to evaluate applicants. Take the time to think through these questions, as they will help you quickly filter out unsuitable candidates without unnecessary discussions.
  5. Conduct Interviews. Experience shows that one interview is often insufficient to reveal a candidate's potential. Therefore, it is better to hold two meetings. The first should focus on getting to know the person, their experience, and skills, and intuitively assessing their suitability. In the second meeting, you can assign a test task. For example, ask them what measures they would take to improve the situation in a given company.
  6. Verify the Selected Specialist. Check their background through security services or obtain information from their previous employers. If the feedback about the person and their work is positive and the reason for leaving is valid, you can proceed with a probationary period.
  7. Set a Probationary Period. Organize it as effectively as possible to avoid disappointment in the employee after the period is over. Outline a plan for one to three months and observe how they execute it and the methods they use to achieve results. If you are not satisfied, it may be worth considering another specialist.


The HR manager’s task is personnel recruitment, while yours is to hire an HR professional. Do not expect a super-specialist to come in and build an effective system from scratch. Aim to set realistic (not inflated or deflated) requirements for candidates and assess how professionally, thoughtfully, and rationally they approach their work.