For starters, you want to brace yourself for a long and thorough search that is very likely to take longer than expected. Even if there is a burning deadline, choosing the first stranger as a performer is not the best of strategies. Here are our heart-felt suggestions on where to look for a perfect freelancer:
- Freelance marketplaces. Nowadays, the choice is quite wide, and there are thousands of freelancers to choose from. Some marketplaces are dedicated to a particular field (like Dribbble for designers), and others provide diverse freelancer collections. An example is EasyBusy. There, you can browse freelance categories and performers and check out their portfolios and reviews. Each registered freelancer goes through a thorough verification process to ensure dishonest and fraudulent performers don’t access EasyBusy and its clients.
- Job boards, social networks and Telegram-channels. These sources also boast a wide range of freelancers. Type in the category or the type of tasks you got in a search bar and choose appropriate candidates. A personal website is a good sign that this performer is trying to build a clientele and is set on long-term relationships.
- Word of mouth. Taking someone’s advice when hiring a freelancer has every chance of landing yourself a truly powerful freelancer. Asking your network if they can recommend anyone for a task will get you a number of names and serious guarantees to help you choose. Once you get a name of a professional, follow up by asking what project was performed and how much it cost.
It’s also true, though, that receiving tons of sound recommendations may not always be the case. After all, not everybody has the right experience with freelancers. Likewise, social nets, Telegram-channels and job boards have considerable amounts of low-skill workers and fake profiles due to absent quality checks. Consequently, the wanted result is never achieved. It’s obvious that a freelance marketplace is the most reliable and safe solution of all. Their audience is independent performers who want to make a name and a steady flow of income through gigs.