How to Build Long-Term Relationships with a Freelancer

Every business owner or every business manager who ventures out into freelance and hires professionals from other countries hopes to find the contractor who will deliver results and be open to a long-term partnership. However, building trust is not a freelancer’s initiative. Clients, too, can contribute to convenient and trusting long-term relationships. In this article, we will discuss how to organize work with remote employees to achieve good results and satisfaction.

Provide a quality task description

50% of a project's success is in how well the initial task was communicated and described. void vague or highly subjective wording, and provide enough information about the company, initial data, goals, details, and deadlines. The more detailed the technical requiremen, the easier it will be for both you and the freelancer to understand each other and reach a common ground. A detailed discussion beforehand may help avoid disputes in future.
Freelancers value quality briefs. They will take their time to study your request to provide accurate cost and time estimations. The remote employee will surely appreciate such consideration and will want to make you a regular client.

Choose a single communication tool

Select a messenger or any other tool that is convenient for both you and the freelancer. For video conferences, you can opt for Skype or Zoom. Where quick messaging is needed, Telegram or WhatsApp may dp. And for task tracking, consider simple solutions like Trello.
Discuss how often and at what times you will be in touch, when you will have calls, who will be present in calls, and other nuances. This is especially important to discuss if you are in different time zones.
There is no need in nagging on the freelancer with multiple calls or messages a day. This will only lead to irritation. To build a long-term relationship, both parties need comfortable communication.

Track progress

Interaction with a freelancer is based on trust. This, however, doesn't take away the risk that the freelancer may disappear, miss deadlines, or not deliver the project at all. To minimize this risk, break the entire process down into intermediate stages. After completing each stage, ask the professional for a mini-report on the work done and the results achieved, and discuss them during calls. This way, you will have a complete understanding of the process and any difficulties that arise, and if the freelancer decides to disappear, you at least know where they left off to onboard a new contractor.

Motivate them

Good motivation is essential for building long-term relationships with a freelancer. In addition to good pay, it is important to show them how valuable they are to the company and how important their contribution is. If you like the freelancer's approach to work and their performance, don’t hesitate to give praise. If something is unsatisfactory, address it delicately.
Proper motivation gives the remote specialist an additional incentive to work well and effectively. After the project is completed, it is beneficial for both the client and the freelancer to exchange feedback on the collaboration, pointing out each other's strengths and weaknesses to identify new areas for growth.


Building long-term work relationship with freelancers is possible if you take time and invest a little effort into your contactor. The potential with every freelancer is getting a motivated professional on board ready to take on your exciting projects.